The Essential Guide to Starting Your Own Restaurant Business The Essential Guide to Starting Your Own Restaurant Business

The Essential Guide to Starting Your Own Restaurant Business

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    • $4.99

Publisher Description

Do you constantly get rave reviews about your cooking from your friends and family? Do you have a private arsenal of "secret" recipes that you just won't share with anyone? Are you more at home in the kitchen than anywhere else?

Well, if you can relate then maybe you are the guy or gal who has always wanted to open your own restaurant! If that's the case, this book is just for you!

Wanting to own your own eatery needn't be just a pipe dream. This book will help you achieve that dream.

Learn how to conduct a market analysis, prepare a business plan and determine startup costs all in one comprehensive book. You'll discover everything you need to know about starting your own restaurant business.

Here's some of what you'll find inside:

- What you need to know BEFORE you begin

- Make sure your dream is a viable plan

- Review the different types of restaurants

- Know which one is right for you

- Overview of startup costs

- Prevent leaving out important costs

- Learn how to write your menu

- Insures that you don't leave out the little stuff

- Discover how to do a proper market analysis

- Make sure you know who your customers will be

- Selecting equipment and furnishings

- Learn how to shop for the right combinations

- Hiring a staff

- How to make sure you ask the right interview questions

- What is the long term future of the restaurant industry

- Understand what your goals should include

- Preparing a business and financial plan

- Make certain you know exactly what you require

- Should you borrow money for startup costs

- Discover how to find investors

- And much, MUCH more!

This book will help answer all the questions you may have in order to make an intelligent decision about whether to purse that dream or continue with wowing just friends and family.

This guide will give you an over view of the restaurant business as well as provide you with information about the different steps you need to take to get started.

Thousands of people are good cooks. However, they may not be good administrators. Others are good administrators who can't boil water! Find out what your goals and strengths are before jumping in with both feet.

If you are a business novice trying to figure out if your idea is viable this book is just what you need to learn all the ins and outs beyond creating delicious meals.

Or, maybe you are a veteran chef working for someone else and have dream of opening your own place, half the battle is there, but you should know that being a gourmet chef isn't enough. You need to understand the business from ALL aspects.

Regardless of your motivation and goals, turning your passion into a business requires commitment, talent and above all else – knowledge!

Before deciding to turn your dream into a business, get the answers you must have before taking that leap today!

Business & Personal Finance
July 1
BT Elite Publishers LLC.
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