The Joy of Professional Learning - Innovative Professional Learning
Publisher Description
This book introduces sixteen recipes that are a different approach to current professional learning. They represent what our team has learned over more than a hundred years of combined experience in education.
While this book is not a complete guide, it does explain the value of each recipe, and it will help you understand what it takes to implement innovative professional learning. Throughout the book, you’ll find links to resources, ways to contact to our team, and even an interactive conference builder.
Customer Reviews
I love this book!
The Joy of Professional Learning is now one of my favorite books. This play of words on the American classic “The Joy of Cooking” delivers on its premise to make professional development enjoyable and meaningful again. Designed and organized like a cookbook, professional learning segments appear like recipes: short directions, rich photos, needed-ingredients, time, etc all with great photos and enhanced interactive sections. You will love this. Download now and share. Well done to this amazing ADE team. It was my pleasure to interview Kurt on my Wired Educator podcast recently about this great work. I love this book!