The Pentecostal Free will Baptist Church: The Pentecostal Free will Baptist Church (PFWBC) May be Compared to a Young Olive Tree in a Grove of Older Trees. The Pentecostal Free will Baptist Church: The Pentecostal Free will Baptist Church (PFWBC) May be Compared to a Young Olive Tree in a Grove of Older Trees.

The Pentecostal Free will Baptist Church: The Pentecostal Free will Baptist Church (PFWBC) May be Compared to a Young Olive Tree in a Grove of Older Trees‪.‬

Baptist History and Heritage 2005, Wntr, 40, 1

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A new olive tree often begins as a shoot off a root from an older parent tree. Like that young olive tree, the PFWBC is a relatively young denomination, but the roots of its origin run deep and long. The denomination is only forty-five years old; yet, its origin can be traced as far back as 1727. A striking feature of the denomination is its name, Pentecostal Free Will Baptist. The title is certainly full of theological connotations. Those who have no prior knowledge of our heritage and history are often confused and bewildered by the name and what it implies. The question is often asked, "How can you be Pentecostal, Free Will, and Baptist all at the same time?" The first impression is there must be a tremendous amount of incongruity theologically in our structure, but by tracing our origins and examining the evolution of the name, much of that confusion will be dispelled.

January 1
Baptist History and Heritage Society
The Gale Group, Inc., a Delaware corporation and an affiliate of Cengage Learning, Inc.

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