The Un-Corporate Marketing Manual The Un-Corporate Marketing Manual

The Un-Corporate Marketing Manual

    • $7.99
    • $7.99

Publisher Description

The Un-Corporate Marketing Manual teaches a straightforward step-by-step marketing system for outstanding small business marketing success.
Small business owners are passionate about their work but marketing is often not found at the top of their task list. What would encourage them to take consistent steps to market their businesses and drive increased success?
The answer is simple: have a system to build a small business marketing plan and to choose effective, inexpensive and appealing marketing strategies. The system must be easy to use; the marketing plan must be painless to put in place. The Un-Corporate Marketing Manual is the answer.
The Un-Corporate Marketing Manual is a unique marketing book:
It is aimed at the micro and mini business owner. Most marketing books are written for “small” business, defined as those with 50 employees, and can be impractical for Un-Corporates.
It offers a simple step-by-step system to take the business owner from initial concept to final implementation, with the emphasis on system.
It is designed to be used, not read, more of an Instruction Manual than a book.
It is written in easy-to understand language with lots of lists, stories and examples.

The Un-Corporate Marketing Manual is written in four parts:
Part 1.Build a Marketing Plan Framework by defining:
Mission and Vision statements
Target audience
Competitive advantage
Available resources

Part 2.60+ different ways to market a business with Non-Digital and Digital Marketing Action Steps:
A definition of the marketing strategy and why it’s important.
A description of how and when to use it.
Tips for putting it into action for maximum success.

Part 3.Guidelines and templates to choose and implement Marketing Action Steps.

Part 4. How to measure, analyze and adjust Marketing Action Steps.

Examples of marketing strategies reviewed are:
Social media marketing: Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Pinterest, SnapChat, etc.
Email Marketing with newsletters
Effective website design and content
Branding with promotional products and logo design
Media lists and marketing with celebrity endorsements.

The Manual covers both traditional and online marketing strategies. All businesses are unique and their marketing plans will be a blend of both kinds of strategies and tactics.
Business owners can follow the outlined steps, share the Manual, download the templates and print out pages to post in their offices, this is a toolbox, not a book.
Un-Corporates are solopreneurs, micro and mini businesses, and smaller not-for-profits. This marketing system is designed specifically for them.

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