Career Change and Motivation: A Matter of Balance (Report) Career Change and Motivation: A Matter of Balance (Report)

Career Change and Motivation: A Matter of Balance (Report‪)‬

Australian Journal of Career Development 2007, Autumn, 16, 1

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Publisher Description

The study was designed to consider the motivations of career changers and the perceived outcomes of their career change. Data were collected from a sample of career changers (N=81), approximately half of whom had used the services of a career coach. The analysis showed: firstly, that the reported outcomes associated with career change appeared unrelated to the value attributed to a career coach and the motivation held by the career changer; secondly, that, with respect to career change outcomes, there were no significant differences between those who drew or did not draw on the services of a career coach; and thirdly, career changers who believed that they almost achieved or did achieve career success were more intrinsically motivated than their counterparts who reported that they did not achieve career success. Career coaching represents a very broad field and can encompass a range of titles, including vocational psychologist, life/work planner, and outplacement specialist (Bolles, 2005). According to Constable (2005), career coaching is one of the fastest-growing industries in North America and is gaining recognition in Australia--despite its fairly unregulated nature. Those working in the role of a career coach tend to execute five primary tasks: '(1) facilitating continuity and change; (2) clarifying core values and beliefs; (3) identifying key social roles; (4) tapping emerging developmental challenges; and (5) developing a continuous learning agenda' (Hudson, 1999, p. 69).

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