『人身御供と人柱』は、、第二次世界大戦前の日本の歴史学者、文学博士、喜田貞吉の小説。初出は、「中央史壇 第一一巻第二号生類犠牲研究」1925(大正14)年8月。この作品には、人身御供と人柱の合理的の解釈について書かれている。
Mizukami Kaname
Mizukami Kaname
A short academic work was written before World War II. The article has a general structure as a whole, but many of the arguments are very careless. The author often extended too much from one argument, such as the part describing the burial of the samurai's courtiers, which actually didn't help this topic. Overall this article is not very helpful