All Set All Set

All Set

A Question of Factors

    • 5.0 • 4 Ratings
    • $3.99
    • $3.99

Publisher Description

Interactive widgets are included as well as links to bonus Numbers documents that provide additional interactivity.  These files contain ‘movable’ pennies and tiles.   Numerous math tables are available for data entry. 

Is 2x3 the same as 3x2?  What is the difference between the two mathematical expressions? Knowing that difference is the cornerstone required for understanding the process of multiplication.  The objective of this book is to develop the concept of factors, as simply as possible, and serve as the cornerstone for further instruction.

Pennies are utilized to show sets, or groups, and their related number sentences.  Set has reference to a collection of things that belong together and should not be confused with a mathematical set that satisfies certain conditions.  

As sets are examined, thoughts  about properties of numbers begin to appear, intuitively.  Both the property of one and the commutative property of multiplication become apparent, without formally introducing the terms at this introductory stage.

The topic is suitable for most elementary level students beyond grade 3. It can be used for remediation with persons of any age when need arises for strengthening perception of the concept.   An understanding of English is helpful.

    Young Adult
    January 6
    Edwina R. Justice
    Edwina R. Justice

    Customer Reviews

    Joe Skafar ,

    Great learning tool!

    Wow. What a great addition to the first release "Inching Along". The authors passion is making math both fun and easy to learn in very practical terms. This book is a further example of these unique teaching methods designed for the modern student that thrives on interactive learning. If you have a child that is struggling with math, fails to hold his or her attention or loves math....this book will satisfy them all. They won't even know they are learning in the process. A must have tool to have.

    Doug Beardsley ,

    All Set

    Again Mrs Justice comes through with a winner! This book continues on from Inching Along and easily takes the reader from areas and perimeters into sets. Not only does she instruct the basics of sets and multiplication but goes beyond that by using Apple applied worksheets to expand one's knowledge of computers.

    Donnanowack ,

    All Set

    "All Set" is the perfect eBook to assist young students in learning the basics of multiplication. The concept of using pennies to illustrate math problems makes it fun and easy to transition to real life. The instructions are clearly written and easy to follow. The use of technology to teach math basics is ideal for today's future mathematicians. The extra Numbers worksheets add to the enjoyment of learning math in an Apple environment.

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