A Beginner's Guide to Musculoskeletal Ultrasound: Upper Limb
Publisher Description
This book teaches the fundamentals of musculoskeletal ultrasound techniques, landmarks, probe placement, patient position, expert tips, and common pitfalls for the novice. Additionally, the authors define common ultrasound terms and language for the beginner.
It will serve as an excellent tool for the education of medical students, resident physicians, or professionals with little ultrasound experience to learn the fundamental skills and techniques for diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound.
Customer Reviews
Excellent Resource!
This is an Ultrasound excellent resource for the beginner.
Excellent Resource
This simple to read and easy to follow text is a integral resource for learning musculoskeletal ultrasound. The authors effectively streamline all the pertinent information to allow you to begin scanning with confidence. I highly recommend this book to all medical students and residents interested in learning MSK ultrasound.
Informative and concise. Great illustrations. Perfect for anyone looking to break into the world of musculoskeletal ultrasound.