Dream Psychology
3.5 • 2.1K Ratings
Publisher Description
An Apple Books Classic edition.
Written by the founding father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud’s 1899 book is the definitive text on learning to interpret dreams. Freud’s groundbreaking approach to healing psychiatric issues through dialogue between a patient and therapist gave us enduring concepts like projection and transference, as well as the superego, ego, and id.
Above all, Freud advanced the progressive idea of unconscious desire as a driving force for our thoughts and actions. This paved the way for the revolutionary notion that dreams are more than wild nonsense-they’re a channel for symbolically communicating our innermost fears, conflicts, and desires. While many of Freud’s theories have fallen out of fashion, Dream Psychology is a great introduction to the influential field of psychoanalysis. It’s a fascinating look into the world of the subconscious-and the human mind.
Customer Reviews
Freud discusses dreams, among other things, such as the conscious, foreconscious, and even the unconscious. Meaning of dreams are discussed so that the reader can better understand his or hers fully. I found this book as an interesting read because it discusses dreams in depth. It’s quite confusing, but I have a general understanding of what this genious has to say on the subject. He even discusses his theory of unconscious thoughts, feelings, ideas, some repressed, that become conscious within our dreams!
The only thing negative I have to say is his peculiar idea that everything relating to a dream, which is only discussed in one chapter, has some sexual significance to. You will understand once you read that chapter. Otherwise, it’s a fine book for a person interested in the mysteriousity of dreams.
Not bad, not bad at all...
I liked it. I got a chance to see just how brilliant Freud was. ( I didn't care for him too much, before I read the book ). He was very innovative in his thinking and attempt to define why, what, and how we dream. ( it's a bit "wordy" for my taste. But I survived! )
I $ this before I took the consciousness course @ my school. I was intrigued, but since I've been forced to read it... I actually enjoyed it!!
I suggest this for the Psych "nerds" we must stick together! And gather all the great psych info out there!
I'm a total Adler fan, but Freud isn't so bad after all!
Take a peek at it, you won't be disappointed. :-)
This is a really good book about psychological analysis. I have studied psychology and have been intereated in it simce then. I always try to find books about psychology and this book is pretty interesting i recommend it. If you like psychology then you should read this book!