Emotional Intelligence
Why It Can Matter More Than IQ
3.7 • 286 Ratings
- $12.99
Publisher Description
#1 BESTSELLER • The groundbreaking book that redefines what it means to be smart, with a new introduction by the author
“A thoughtfully written, persuasive account explaining emotional intelligence and why it can be crucial.”—USA Today
Everyone knows that high IQ is no guarantee of success, happiness, or virtue, but until Emotional Intelligence, we could only guess why. Daniel Goleman's brilliant report from the frontiers of psychology and neuroscience offers startling new insight into our “two minds”—the rational and the emotional—and how they together shape our destiny. But why is emotional intelligence important?
Drawing on groundbreaking brain and behavioral research, Goleman shows the factors at work when people of high IQ flounder and those of modest IQ do surprisingly well. These factors, which include self-awareness, self-discipline, and empathy, add up to a different way of being smart—and they aren’t fixed at birth. Although shaped by childhood experiences, emotional intelligence can be nurtured and strengthened throughout our adulthood—with immediate benefits to our health, our relationships, and our work.
The twenty-fifth-anniversary edition of Emotional Intelligence could not come at a better time—we spend so much of our time online, more and more jobs are becoming automated and digitized, and our children are picking up new technology faster than we ever imagined. With a new introduction from the author, the twenty-fifth-anniversary edition prepares readers, now more than ever, to reach their fullest potential and stand out from the pack with the help of EI.
New York Times science writer Goleman argues that our emotions play a much greater role in thought, decision making and individual success than is commonly acknowledged. He defines ``emotional intelligence''--a trait not measured by IQ tests--as a set of skills, including control of one's impulses, self-motivation, empathy and social competence in interpersonal relationships. Although his highly accessible survey of research into cognitive and emotional development may not convince readers that this grab bag of faculties comprise a clearly recognizable, well-defined aptitude, his report is nevertheless an intriguing and practical guide to emotional mastery. In marriage, emotional intelligence means listening well and being able to calm down. In the workplace, it manifests when bosses give subordinates constructive feedback regarding their performance. Goleman also looks at pilot programs in schools from New York City to Oakland, Calif., where kids are taught conflict resolution, impulse control and social skills.
Customer Reviews
Second half focuses exclusively on children
The title nor description make clear that the book is only partially for adults, and the rest about impacting children. For those looking for a more adult oriented conversation should look to other books on the topic
This book is essential
This book is essential …. You have to buy this book now! It willl complete your life!
Not the best..wasted a lot of time on it
The whole book can be brought to a way fewer pages ..you’re wasting too much time to come up with a piece of information you can get in one page instead of 10