Warriors: Power of Three #2: Dark River Warriors: Power of Three #2: Dark River
Audiobook 2 - Warriors: Power of Three

Warriors: Power of Three #2: Dark River

    • 4.8 • 47 Ratings
    • $16.99

    • $16.99

Publisher Description

Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series continues with the second book in the Power of Three series!

The second book in this third series, Warriors: Power of Three #2: Dark River, brings more adventure, intrigue, and thrilling battles to the epic world of the warrior Clans.

Lionpaw, Hollypaw, and Jaypaw, grandchildren of the Clan leader Firestar, are thriving as ThunderClan apprentices. Yet their new responsibilities bring new dangers, and each young cat is about to discover darkness: in the past, in the Clans—and in themselves.

Kids & Young Adults
MacLeod Andrews
hr min
December 3

Customer Reviews

soph of bred ,

CLOUDCLAN! (This is the point after LeapFlower dies)

LEADER: BlackStar: Black Tom with darker black tabby marks. Forehead star. Black eyes.

DEPUTY: DawnFoot: Mid-ginger Shecat with one black paw. Completely blue eyes because she is blind. APPRENTICE: THISTLEPAW

WARRIORS: (Toms or Shecats without kits)

GrayWillow: Oak-brown Shecat with gray tabby marks of her face. Gray tip of tail. APPRENTICE: SPOTTEDPAW

HalfFace: White tomcat with an orange and black side on his face. The black side has a green eye and blue eye on the orange side. APPRENTICE: GOLDENPAW

MoonClaw: Dark gray tomcat with dark blue eyes. APPRENTICE: MOONPAW

ThrushHeart: Beautiful long haired calico she. APPRENTICE: BIRCHPAW

WhitePelt: White Shecat with black spots and blue eyes. APPRENTICE: FLOWERPAW

OakLeaf: Brown she with two leafs behind her ear. Forest green eyes. APPRENTICE: MUDPAW

APPRENTICES (Cats who have not yet earned their warrior name)

BlackPaw: Black tomcat with green eyes.

SpottedPaw: ginger she with black and white spots. Green eyes.

HollyPaw: Small oak-brown she with
amber eyes and fluffy fur.

SpottedPaw: A ginger tomcat with dark ginger spots and amber eyes.

GoldenPaw: Golden she with brown eyes.

FlowerPaw: Golden she with hazel eyes and a short tail.

MoonPaw: dark gray Tom with blue eyes.

ThistlePaw: brown Tom with green eyes.

MudPaw: Mud colored tomcat with dark brown eyes.

BirchPaw: A white she with barely visible pale ginger tabby marks, and a long tail with a pale ginger stripe going down it.

LeafPaw: a tawny brown she with fern colored green eyes.

QUEENS: (Shecats who are nursing or expecting kits)

SmallStorm: Small white Shecat with fluffy fur. APPRENTICE: LEAFPAW

GooseFace: Greyish blueish Shecat with a white face.

AppleTail: A brown she with a scar across her tail.

BranchFur: Oak-colored she with brown eyes and tabby marks. Long haired.

ELDERS: (Cats who have retired to the elders den)

ShatteredFoot: a dark gray Tom with amber eyes. Long whiskers and a twisted foot. Father of DawnFoot

BrackenFern: A Shecat who has gone deaf after a terrible accident. Torn ears, amber fur, and green eyes. HalfSights mate.

HalfSight: a blue tomcat with a grey eye who is half blind because of the same reason BrackenFern is deaf.

DappleShade: a brown Tom with dark amber eyes who recently retired.

BrindleFur: a Shecat with greyish ginger fur. Mother of DawnFoot.

WheatSparrow: a pale golden Tom with light green eyes that has a walking condition that made him retire early.

Rosy Spotted Kitten ,

A change in plans, Chapter 9 and 10 (also Ivy ⬇️

Ivy: LOL. Yeah color changing fur IS pretty cool. (There might be more color changing fur in the future, heh)

——Chapter 9——

I gazed coldly at AmethystStar. My kits were playing, happily chasing my apprentice—well former apprentice— StonePaw. I lashed my tail. I could hear quiet whispers coming from my den mates.
“How is her fur that color?”
“Why did it change?”
“Something doesn’t feel good about this.”
“Shhh. Don’t let her hear us.”
I twitched my ears, staining to hear more, but my den mates were talking quieter now, cautious about me hearing. “Mommy! Look at me!!” I turned to see my only daughter, gently pinning a butterfly.
I nodded in approval, “Good job! Soon you’ll be hunting real prey!” I could hear grumbles of disapproval and disbelief. I ignored it, but flicked my ears to show that I had heard them.
“Oh no!”
“She heard us!”
“Poor kits….”
“Yeah. I wouldn’t want HER as MY mother.”
I spun around to glare at my clan mates. Then an idea popped into my head. “AmethystStar!!!” I barged into her den. My leader looked shocked and surprised.
“I challenge you for the position of leader! If I beat you in a fight you will back down from the position of leader and give your nine lives back to Star Clan.”
Gasps came from outside the den but I didn’t care if anyone heard. My leader looked scared. “What? Are you scared?” I taunted her.
“But CrystalBreeze!” I coldly looked into her eyes, the depth of fear in them enormous. “It isn’t CrystalBreeze anymore. I shall be called ObsidianShard.”
My leader fearfully looked into my eyes. “F-fine. ObsidianShard. I-I accept your request.”
I heard groans come from outside of the den.
“Oh great.”
“AmethystStar is going to lose.”
I smiled at their words still looking into AmethystStar’s eyes. They widened and filled with horror and regret. •Psh. This will be easy.•

——Chapter 10——-

I sighed in faint disappointment. I had won, like I wanted to but it was far too easy. All it had taken was for me to land one blow—not even a hard one— and AmethystStar had cried out in surrender.
I smiled, pulling out a shard of a shimmering stone. •Now I can share dreams with Star Clan to get my nine lives.•
I shut my eyes with my muzzle pressed to the stone. A falling sensation over came me and I was floating in thin air, then my paws touched the ground.
I opened my eyes to see my mate, RobinClaw. “Hello, CrystalBreeze.” His eyes were warm but also shadowed with sadness. “It’s ObsidianShard. Thank you very much.” I shortly replied.
“Well I give you a life for Pity. Make sure you pity in others with a soft heart and speak with kind words.” He touched his nose to mine and a fierce flaring pain stabbed through me. I stiffened but held back my cries. •Pity? Why would I need that?•
A young pale brown tabby she-cat walked up to me, her green eyes wary. “Welcome to Star Clan, future leader! I give you a life for understanding. Don’t punish your clan mates when they make mistakes. Forgive them instead.”
A familiar pain stabbed through me once again and I got six other lives; Kindness, Endless energy, fierce loyalty, Courage, Boldness, and Creativity. All lives I DIDN’T need. Then a small tortoiseshell approached me. “I am FlutteringBreeze. I thought that I didn’t need anyone and that I could do everything on my own. I give you a life so that you may accept help when you need it because as hard is it may seem, everything is easier if you ask for help.”
A pain flared through me but it ended quickly. “Welcome as a leader ObsidianStar!”
“ObsidianShard!” My eyes flashed open as SapphireSpark called my name. My tail tip twitched with annoyance. “It’s ObsidianSTAR. Now what do you want?”
SapphireSpark lowered her gaze. “Never mind. I just wanted to ask you a question but now that I think about it, it was a stupid question.”
I rolled my eyes, “Well then, leave me alone.” I grumbled. “I have important work to do.” •Well, here comes my life as a leader. Yay.•

"𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝒾𝑔𝓃 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓉𝒾𝑔𝑒𝓇 𝒽𝒶𝓈 𝒷𝑒𝑔𝓊𝓃!"

-Tigress the assassin (rouge)

*next chapter is in next book (not audio book tho*

warriorsIScool ,

Ivywhisker’s Truth Chapter 5!

Dapple: lol-
“Rogues most definitely!”
When Ivywhisker woke up, she was sprawled in the moss at a location she knew, not too far from the ThunderClan camp. She was absolutely exhausted, but the minute she stepped through the camp entrance cats clustered around her concernedly.
“Where were you?”
“We’ve been looking for you for nearly a moon!”
“Are you okay, Ivywhisker?”
She realized it was the middle of the night and staggered to her nest in the warriors’ den. She would deal with the world tomorrow.
After waking up, eating some prey, and answering all the questions (“I don’t know what happened. I must have been knocked out in the mountains. It’s a miracle that I survived.”), she went to see the medicine cat. She needed to ask her about something important, something that she had been suspicious about for a while.
“Mooncloud?” Ivywhisker called.
“Yes?” The young black and white medicine cat blinked her mismatched green and blue eyes, one of which had a scar over it. She had managed to retain most of her sight, but the scar would never go away.
“Umm…” Ivywhisker lowered her voice. “Am I crazy or am I expecting kits?”
Mooncloud stared. Then she laughed.
“I was wondering when you’d ask me that. I never dreamed that you’d ask me in such a straightforward way!”
“So I am?” Ivywhisker asked.
“Yes, you are. Whose are they?”
“Ummm…” Ivywhisker genuinely wasn’t sure. They could be Smokefall’s kits, but that was unlikely. They had barely been mates for six moons. But if it wasn’t him, then who was it?
Mooncloud swished her long, fluffy tail.
“Never mind. I’m not really in a place to ask… never mind. Just never mind.”
Ivywhisker’s eyes traced the line of Mooncloud’s flank.
•I’m not in a place to ask…ask about mates… ask about kits… kits… is she?•
“Mooncloud,” Ivywhisker whispered. “Are you carrying kits?”
“What? No. No…”
The medicine cat folded in on herself for
a moment. Ivywhisker stepped closer to comfort her.
“It’s not the end of the Clans. Things like this happen all the time, and it’s not even your fault that you had a mate as a loner. I’ll nurse your kits if you want to remain a medicine cat.”
Mooncloud looked up, eyes shining with sadness.
“You would?” she murmured.
“Of course. It’s not your fault.”
“Thank you, Ivywhisker.”
~~~~~~~~Eight Moons Later~~~~~~~
Ivywhisker looked around. She was at the designated spot, waiting for Mooncloud. The young medicine cat had asked the leader to gather herbs. Here she came now, mismatched blue and green eyes gleaming in the shadow of a tree.
After a long while of picking herbs and hunting, Mooncloud’s legs wobbled and she gasped in pain. She eased down to the ground.
“I’m going into labor. Hurry! Get a stick!”
Ivywhisker dashed to the pile of sturdy sticks that they had made. Grabbing one, she shoved it between Mooncloud’s jaws. The medicine cat bit down and then released her jaws when the pain eased.
“Press on my flanks,” the she-cat gasped.
Ivywhisker gently placed her paws on the she-cat’s swollen side and pushed. Mooncloud yowled through the stick as the first kit came out.
“Push on three… two…”
Ivywhisker pushed as Mooncloud bit down and the second kit slid out.
“That’s all.” She gasped. “It was an easy birth. StarClan bless you.”
Ivywhisker picked the kits up, according to Mooncloud’s directions, and tore the membrane off them. She exhaled. The medicine cat curled her tail around her brand-new kits and huffed.
“Oof. That was hard. Never having more kits. Believe me when I say medicine cats aren’t missing much.”
One kit was black and white and the other was brown with a long, fluffy tail and a white paw. They could be passed off as hers, the black and white the spitting image of Skymoon. She was lucky. Mooncloud hadn’t even finished suckling her kits when Ivywhisker felt something deep in her stomach.
“The kits,” she gasped. “They’re coming.”

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